21, 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya Str.,
Moscow, 125047, Russia
Tel.: +7 (495) 935 8010
Fax: +7 (495) 935 8011
Tatyana specialises in customs regulation and international trade.
Selected highlights:
- Advising on compliance with customs laws, including determining the customs value of goods, confirming the legality of importing goods into the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) customs area, determining classification codes, and ensuring compliance with prohibitions and restrictions.
- Advising and supporting companies during customs control procedures conducted by customs authorities, such as customs inspections, document reviews, investigative measures, and cases involving administrative offences and criminal prosecution.
- Providing counsel on customs procedures beyond standard release for domestic consumption or export, including processing within the customs area, processing outside the customs area, and processing for domestic consumption.
- Representing clients in legal disputes in Russian arbitrazh courts arising from customs-related matters.
- Counselling and defending individuals in special legal proceedings, such as cases involving the conversion of items seized by customs authorities into federal ownership.
- Drafting requests to the Eurasian Economic Commission regarding the application of EAEU laws on various issues.
- Engaging in pre-action resolution of disputes with the Eurasian Economic Commission.
- Advising on the application of tariff preferences and customs reliefs.
- Assisting companies in obtaining customs incentives.
Before joining the Firm in 2023, Tatyana worked for the Russian customs authorities, where she was responsible for:
- Desk inspections related to customs value, classification, compliance with terms for privileges, and atypical customs procedures.
- Controlling conditionally released goods and ensuring the legality of goods movement across the EAEU customs border.
- Managing the department’s analytical work for selecting customs control items.
- Conducting on-site inspections, including collaboration with operational and investigative units of the customs authorities.
- Initiating and counselling on administrative investigations and advising the specialised customs enquiry unit on initiating criminal cases under Article 194 of the Russian Criminal Code.
Tatyana also worked at one of Russia’s largest consulting firms, where she utilised her expertise gained at the customs authorities to:
- Counselling on litigation involving disputes with customs authorities.
- Advising on obtaining permits for exporting goods restricted or prohibited under Russian Governmental Decrees Nos. 311, 312, and 313 dated 9 March 2022.
- Performing customs audits (Customs Compliance).
- Advising companies during desk and field customs inspections and other forms of customs control.
Tatyana earned her degree in Customs from the Russian Customs Academy and graduated with honours from the Faculty of Law at the State University of Management.
She is fluent in English.