Nelly Ivanova
Nelly Ivanova

21, 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya Str.,
Moscow, 125047, Russia

Tel.: +7 (495) 935 8010

Nelly Zhuravleva advises and represents clients before Russian courts, she specializes in corporate and commercial litigation.

Her experience includes:

  • Defending the majority shareholder of one of the largest vertically integrated mining group in Russia in a series of corporate disputes totaling over RUB 10 billion.
  • Representing a metal manufacturer in a dispute for recovery of the cost of equipment, which ended in a mutually beneficial settlement agreement.
  • Protecting a Russian aluminum strip producer in a multi-billion ruble dispute over damages caused by a fire at his plant.
  • Supporting a cross-border project in the field of inheritance relations for a total amount of more than US$ 3bn, including disputes about the validity of a will and challenging the transactions of the testator.

Nelly graduated from the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (international law institute).