9 October 2012

Igor Schikow will speak at the Conference Legal and Tax Aspects of Doing Business in Russia for Czech and Slovak Entrepreneurs: Experience and Practice

The International Expert Conference Legal and Tax Aspects of Doing Business in Russia for Czech and Slovak Entrepreneurs: Experience and Practice will be held on  October 9,2012 in the premises of the Faculty of Law, Masaryk University in Brno.

The conference will bring a comprehensive view of the entry into the Russian market and of the conditions of doing business in Russia for Czech and Slovak Entrepreneurs from the viewpoint of experts in the fields of law and taxes - corporate taxation, taxation of experts, obligations in the field of VAT and customs duty.

The main aim of the conference is to bring legal and tax contexts of such an entry.

An exclusive feature of this conference is a unique interconnection when experts from the Czech Republic and Slovakia can deal with individual topics from the point of view of the entry into the Russian market of Czech and Slovak firms, and an expert from Russia will focus on the issues of that entry from the viewpoint of Russia.

Igor Schikow, Head of Tax Practice at EPAM will speak at the conference within the session Interconnection of customs and tax aspects in foreign trade with Russia.

Among the topics for discussion:

  • Impacts of introduction of the E-import/export system on communication with customs and tax authorities and on the form of customs and tax documentations
  • Generation of data from customs declarations (JSD) and from electronic customs declarations useable for calculation of VAT during import and exemption from VAT in export transactions
  • VAT assessment during import of goods, determination and check of the base for customs duty calculation and of the base for VAT calculation, possibilities of exemption from customs and VAT
  • Chain transactions during import/export of goods with participation of multiple entities, sequential sales of imported and exported goods, their impact on customs proceedings and VAT deduction
  • Corrections of customs declarations, additional assessment or refund of customs duty and their VAT impacts

More information is available here.