EPAM to hold a business breakfast entitled “Control of Insolvency (Bankruptcy) Proceedings: Skills of Efficient Participation”
EPAM invites you to attend a business breakfast entitled “Control of Insolvency (Bankruptcy) Proceedings: Skills of Efficient Participation” to be held on March 6, 2013 at the Firm’s Moscow Office situated on 40/5 Bolshaya Ordynka Street.
The attendees for the event will discuss the following issues***:
- Monitoring Procedure: obtaining and keeping control of insolvency (bankruptcy) proceedings in theearly stages
- Main types of transactions challenged in bankruptcy proceedings.
- Reasons for challenging transactions: theory and practice.
- Appealing against transactions performed during the “suspicion period”
- View of a party benefiting from a transaction
- Trustee’s view
- Efficient control: achieving results in the course of insolvency (bankruptcy) proceedings
- Building relationship between the trustee and the person having control of the bankruptcy proceedings
The speakers include***:
- Sergey Kovalev, Partner at EPAM
- Andrey Belkov, Deposit Insurance Agency
- Dmitry Tugushi, Counsel at EPAM
- Alexander Vaneev, Senior Associate at EPAM
- Vladimir Pestrikov, Senior Associate at EPAM
Employees and heads of legal departments of the Russian and international banks and companies are welcome to attend the event**.
Attendance is free of charge, but preliminary registration is required.
To register please send an e-mail to events@epam.ru or call (495) 935 8010 (Evgeniya Savostiyanova) detailing the following information: company, name and position, contact phone number and e-mail address*.
* The number of places is limited, the organisers reserve the right to restrict the numbers attending the event
** The event is closed to the representatives of law firms and consulting companies.
*** The agenda of the event and the list of speakers are subject to change.