21, 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya Str.,
Moscow, 125047, Russia
Tel.: +7 (495) 935 8010
Fax: +7 (495) 935 8011
Anastasiya specialises in environmental law, technical regulations and subsoil use.
She represents clients in commercial courts and courts of general jurisdiction in matters of environmental management, protection and safety issues. Anastasiya also advises on the enforcement of forestry law and on obtaining and extending licences for the use of subsoil and natural resources. She has expertise in the resolution of disputes involving state authorities.
Among Anastasiya’s projects:
- Providing comprehensive legal support for the activities of stevedoring companies in conflicts with supervisory authorities (Rosprirodnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor, environmental and transport prosecutor's offices), including: support during inspections, participation in administrative proceedings, support with pre-investigation checks, appealing decisions of authorities in arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction, preparation of a multilateral agreement between stevedoring companies and relevant authorities on the regulation of economic activities related to the transshipment of dusty cargo.
- Providing comprehensive legal support in a dispute between the largest gold mining company in the Far East and Rosprirodnadzor (on issues of illegal accrual of multimillion-dollar fees for negative environmental impact), with Rostekhnadzor (on compliance with industrial safety requirements), with the environmental prosecutor's office, including: support of control and supervisory activities, providing legal support in administrative and criminal proceedings, and trials.
- Advising on the legal status of beryllium waste, assessment of the waste disposal site as real estate, assessment of contracts for the reimbursable use of state property and other related matters.
- Advising a major construction company on the proper implementation of business activities in inland waters, the territorial sea, and on the seabed which included the preparation of a step-by-plan and compiling a list of permits.
- Representing the interests of a company in arbitration court after an accident at an ammonia pipeline which resulted in a decrease in total financial claims by eightfold.
- Representing the interests of a producer of chromium and chromium compounds in an appeal against the claims of the regional division of Rosprirodnadzor on the collection of payments for negative environmental impact.
- Advising a French company in relations with Rostekhnadzor on issues related to to administrative responsibility for violations of license requirements.
- Representing the interests of a tobacco concern on the suspension of the plant's activities due to exceeding the maximum allowable emissions and an insufficient sanitary protection zone.
- Advising the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision on the development of a concept for improving the legislation of the Russian Federation.
- Developing the Environmental Industrial Code, and participating in the working group on the development of the draft Environmental Industrial Code.
- Participating in various working groups on the issues of the "regulatory guillotine", including on the basis of the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation.
- Preparing a legal opinion on the cultivation and processing of medicinal plants and the export of raw materials for the production of cosmetics and perfumery products.
- Providing legal support for a coal company in a lawsuit on the issue of early termination of the right to use subsoil.
- Participating in a lawsuit to challenge the decision of Rosnedra to provide a subsoil plot for mining to an opponent based on the results of a tender.
- Performing legal due diligence on a company in order to analyse the legal aspects of the company's business activities and assess risks (environmental protection, compliance with industrial safety requirements).
- Advising foreign companies on extended liability of producers/importers of goods into the Russian Federation.
- Developing a scheme for organising the water supply and sanitation of a large metallurgical plant in order to prevent violations of the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation.
- Preparing a legal opinion on the legal regime for the use of medical waste.
- Challenging the illegal accrual of a multi-million dollar fee by a large European company (food sector) due to the alleged impact on centralised sewerage systems.
- Drafting contracts for service companies drilling oil wells (at semi-submersible platforms, continental shelf), taking into account the assessment and redistribution of risks between the subsoil user and the service company.
- Representing the interests of a charterer of a vessel in arbitration courts in a dispute with the territorial Department of Rosprirodnadzr on the recovery of a multi-million dollar fee for damage caused to an area of a water body.
- Developing the concept and draft regulations on the issues of changing the legal regime of forest areas in the interests of the largest gold mining companies.
Prior to joining the Firm in 2013, Anastasia worked for more than 7 years at the Department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources in the Northwestern Federal District. Her tasks included recovery of environmental damage caused by an accidental oil spill, as well as recovery of large payments for adverse environmental impact from enterprises.
Anastasia is a member of the Environment and Energy Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
Anastasiya is accredited by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as an independent expert authorised to carry out anti‑corruption testing on laws and regulations.
Anastasia graduated from St. Petersburg State University in 2008 and has a master's degree in natural resources law.
Anastasia is admitted to the Leningrad Region Bar Association.