The practice

Attorneys of EPAM have effected a complete range of legal steps to protect the clients’ honour, dignity and business reputation. The ability to properly develop and accurately implement the defence strategy is of the essence in regard to this type of activities.

Judicial proceedings may only be an option in this kind of case. Moreover, under certain circumstances, the filing of a claim may become a strategic error that the opponents will not fail to take advantage of.

EPAM will always try to find a way to resolve the most delicate situations. The Firm acts in close cooperation with PR-agencies and provide a whole range of legal services at the pre-trial stage, in the course of judicial proceedings and upon hearing in the court. The Firm uses well-proven procedures for the protection of the client’s interests and have proven their efficiency in this regard.

A high percentage of settlement agreements has proven our success. This is the favourable solution which ensures successful results, the adverse aspects of the conflict kept low-profile (unless otherwise required) and the client having an influence tool that can be used moving forward.

Another of the Firm’s advantages is its ability to develop a strategy for reputation protection abroad. This normally implies a correct choice of jurisdiction for filing of a claim (in the case of materials addressed internationally) and well-established relations with expert international consultants who specialise in reputation protection.


Our services:

  • representing clients in the courts, as well аs advising with regard to disputes abroad;
  • assessment of discrediting materials published from the point of view of a possibility to initiate a criminal action against the opponent;
  • day-to-day legal support of the client’s PR Department: prompt analysis of texts received with regard to potential legal response to be applied;
  • implementation of an efficient proactive protection system: development of a tool to counteract the negative public relations making it possible to proactively react to the materials published both in Russia and internationally;
  • identification of the business world events and circumstances that may serve as newsworthy leading to a positive client image;
  • monitoring and prevention of negative news in the media when possible;
  • legal support if a news crisis transpires, assistance in development and implementation of the crisis communication plan;
  • legal assistance in drafting responses to requests from the media.