16 May 2006

The Arbitration court of Moscow dismissed a suit by the Russia Partners Fund against the management of the OJSC EUROCEMENT Group

The Arbitration court of Moscow dismissed a suit by the Russia Partners Fund against the management of the OJSC EUROCEMENT Group which sought damages to cover financial losses which it claimed had been caused in company by mismanagement. EPAM, the leading Russian law firm, represented the interests of the OJSC EUROCEMENT Group

11 May 2006

The court overturned the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia’s decision concerning the “EUROCEMENT group”

The Arbitration Court of Moscow annulled the order of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, №272 of November 30, 2005, which had included the OJSC EUROCEMENT Group (“EUROCEMENT”) into the register of business entities that own more than 35% market share of certain goods. It also that its name be removed from the above mentioned monopoly register.

5 May 2006

EPAM held a corporate retreat for partners and senior associates in Miami, Florida

Russian lawyers visited U.S. federal court in Miami where they had an opportunity to observe jury selection process in a civil case.

28 April 2006

Daniil Petrov leaves EPAM Law for Russian Railways

Senior lawyer at EPAM, Daniil Petrov, takes up a position as head of the Property Management Department of Joint Stock Company "Russian Railways".

26 April 2006

Senior EPAM lawyer presents at legal security conference in Moscow

Participants at the conference included representatives of the state authorities, legal counsel from some of Russia’s largest companies and experts from some of Russia’s leading law and consulting firms.

24 April 2006

Igor Antonovich Pachosik started work in the EPAM Law as senior arbitration lawyer

Igor Pachosik was born in 1976 in Leningrad. In 1998 he graduated cum laude from the Law Department of the Saint-Petersburg State University. Since 2006 he has been an aspirant of Commercial Law Department of the Saint-Petersburg State University.

12 April 2006

Ilya Nikiforov outlined the creation of an association of independent lawyers at the 2nd annual forum “Legal business in Russia“

Today in Moscow Vedomosti newspaper’s 2nd annual conference ”Legal business in Russia” took place. Mr. Ilya Nikiforov managing partner of the Saint-Petersburg office of leading Russian law firm EPAM participated.

6 April 2006

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation halts dispute between Moscow and Federal Government over the ownership of monuments of history and culture

Today the Russian Constitutional Court stopped the dispute between Moscow and the Federal Government regarding the ownership of historical and cultural monuments Thus, the sharing of ownership between regions and federal centre, accepted in 1990s, still remains in force. The interests of the Russian Government in this case were represented by EPAM.

6 April 2006

Norwegian court has dismissed charges brought against Russian fishing companies by Norwegian authorities in October 2005

The Norwegian Court recognized as lawful the actions of the Russian trawler «Capitan Gorbachev». In October 2005 Norwegian authorities has instigated criminal proceedings and imposed a large fine against the captain and owners of the vessel. The interests of the Russian parties were represented by law firm ‘EPAM’.

5 April 2006

The Arbitration Court of Ryazan region confirmed the legitimacy of the purchase of Mikhailovskiy Quarry Management company by Eurocement Group

The Arbitration Court of Ryazan region dismissed the claims by two minority shareholders of Mikhailov Cement who challenged the deal between Mikhailov Cement and Eurocement Group regarding the purchase of 100% of Mikhailovskiy Quarry Management company (Михайловскоe карьероуправлениe) by Eurocement.

3 April 2006

EPAM Law lawyers Elena Kuznetsova and Nikita Sokolov win scholarships to University of San Diego

EPAM Law lawyers Elena Kuznetsova and Nikita Sokolov have been awarded scholarships to the University of San Diego in a contest organised together with Pericles. 35 people took part in the contest and 13 of them were awarded scholarships.

1 April 2006

Sergey Golubok’s presentation at the International Scientific Conference of Law Students and Candidates ‘Traditions and Innovations in the System of Contemporary Russian Law’ was considered the best in the category of International Publi

The annual scientific conference of law students and candidates ‘Traditions and Innovations in the system of contemporary Russian law’ took place on 31 March and 1 April at Moscow State Law Academy. More than 650 law students from Russia, CIS and other countries participated at the conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Moscow State Law Academy.

31 March 2006

Eurocement Group not found guilty of breaking antimonopoly law

Ninth Arbitrary Court of Moscow overturned the decisions and actions of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) in connection with Eurocement Group which had been charged with breaking antimonopoly law in October 2005. The interests Eurocement, the biggest producer of cement in Russia, were represented by EPAM.

29 March 2006

EPAM Law expert attends “Experiment 5+5: growth prospects of gas market in Russia” conference

A conference, "Experiment 5+5: growth prospects of gas market in Russia ", sponsored by the Ministry for Economic Development and Trade, the Ministry of Industry and Energy, and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia, was held in Moscow on the 29th of March.

27 March 2006

EPAMis an official sponsor of 25th anniversary of European Law Students Association (ELSA)

A regular general meeting of European Law Students Association took place in London on 19 - 26 of March. The meeting, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Association, was sponsored by EPAM and attracted more than 300 people from 35 countries.