2 October 2006

Ilya Tur and Sergey Strembelev join St. Petersburg office of EPAM

Ilya Tur and Sergey Strembelev have joined St. Petersburg office of EPAM as lawyers.

29 September 2006

Dimitry Shulga of EPAM ranked in the Kommersant’s list of “Russia’s Top 1000 Managers”

Publishing house Kommersant and the Russian Association of Managers have ranked Russia’s Top 1000 Managers. Dimitry Shulga, Head of EPAM Strategic communications department, has been named among the country’s best managers of public and corporate relations.

18 September 2006

Dmitry Shulga has joined EPAM Moscow office as Director of Strategic Communications Department

Since 1998 Dmitry Shulga has been involved in corporate communications. In 1998-2002 he was Director of Public Relations and Communications in Russia and CIS in representative offices of General Motors Corporation and The Coca-Cola Company and during the next two years he was the Head of Corporate Issues Department of Mars Inc. division in Russia. In 2004 he was appointed Deputy General Director of Public Relations of RUSAL - Management Company. In May 2005 he became Director of Corporate Relations and Communications of SUEK.

13 September 2006

Court will hear Arkhangelsk Trawler Fleet case on 20 September

7 September 2006

Court takes up Arkhangelsk Trawler Fleet case

25 August 2006

Moscow Court Approves Anti-Monopoly Settlement between the Russian Government and Eurocement Group, the largest cement maker in Russia, represented by EPAM

EPAM (EPA&P"), Russia's leading law firm, is pleased to announce that today the Federal Arbitrage Court of Cassation for the Moscow Circuit approved the settlement between the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia (FAS) and a Eurocement Group. Both sides characterized this settlement as a complete and satisfactory conclusion of their dispute.

17 August 2006

EPAM supports 25th Annual Course on International Law Librarianship in Russia, 2006 “The New Russia: Law and Legal Information”

The main session of 25th Annual Course on International Law Librarianship “The New Russia: Law and Legal Information” will take place in St. Petersburg on September, 10-14. In addition to the conference in St Petersburg, there will be an optional extra programme in Moscow on Friday 15th and Saturday 16th September.

16 August 2006

Court cancels earlier judgment against Eurocement agreement

We are please that today the Federal Arbitrage Court of Moscow Region has cancelled their earlier refusal to confirm amicable agreement between Eurocement and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia. We can now look forward to this agreement being finally confirmed very shortly...

25 July 2006

The Court declines to confirm the amicable agreement between the Federal Antimonopoly Service andEurocement Group

In a hearing today, the Federal Arbitrage Court of Moscow Region declined to confirm the amicable agreement tat had been reached between the Federal Antimonopoly Service (“FAS”) and OJSC Eurocement Group in June 2006. The reason for the non-approval by the Court was that the FAS is not empowered to conclude such amicable agreements...

4 July 2006

Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia and Eurocement Group published the details of the agreement of lawsuit

On June 30, 2006 the Federal Anti-monopoly Service of Russia (“FAS”) and Eurocement Group signed a settlement of the dispute concerning the violation of the antitrust laws. Its details were announced today at a joint press conference held by the director of the FAS, Igor Artemiev, the President of Eurocement Group, Mikhail Skorohod and the Chairman of Eurocement Group’s law firm, EPAM, Dimitry Afanasiev.

3 July 2006

Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia and Eurocement Group sign amicable agreement

Eurocement Group and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia (FAS) have signed an amicable agreement in settlement of a dispute concerning alleged violation of antitrust laws. This agreement was announced by the Deputy Director of the FAS, Andrey Tsyganov, and Dimitry Afanasiev, lawyer for the cement holding company.

21 June 2006

American students visit EPAM office in Moscow

A group of American students from the Davidson College (North Carolina) – one of the best US private schools - visited the Moscow office of leading Russian law firm, “EPAM”.

8 June 2006

Spanish Court considered an application to annul the arrest of the three misappropriated fishing trawlers belonging to the Russian Federation

The vessels were detained in the Spanish port as a result of a request by EPAM, which is representing the interests of the Russian Federation in this matter. The arrest of the trawlers is a provisional measure necessary to prevent their illegal use by the persons accused of fraudulently taking possession of them and to prevent their possible resale of the vessels to new owners.

6 June 2006

Murmansk region Court confirms “Archangelsk Trawler Fleet” ownership of three trawlers illegally detained in Mauritania

Today, the Arbitration Court of the Murmansk region has granted the claim of the OJSC “Archangelsk Trawler Fleet” (“ATF”) seeking recovery of property from illegal ownership. The court has found that the defendant – the Mauritanian company, Societe De Promotion De La Peche, has illegal ownership of the fishing vessels, “Capitan Kononov”, “Yuozas Alexonis” and “Trawlmeister Mogutov” and that right of ownership belongs to the ATF.

30 May 2006

EPAM participates in “Intellectual Property: protecting the trade mark” conference

EPAM lawyer, Elena Krotova-Sebag, took part in the “Intellectual Property: protecting the trade mark ” conference in Moscow on 29-30 May. She spoke on franchising as a means for the commercialization of intellectual property rights.