19 February 2015

EPAM Successfully Completes Legal Support of the TransFin-M PC’s Convertible Bonds Issuance

Associates of the Banking & Finance, Capital Markets practice of EPAM provided comprehensive legal support on the issuance of TransFin-M PC’s convertible bonds, unique for the Russian market.

4 February 2015

EPAM Successfully Completes Legal Support of Mortgage Assets Securitization of Souyz Bank

AKB Souyz (OAO) has announced a successful completion of the securitization of a part of the Bank’s mortgage portfolio. The transaction has been supported by EPAM Banking & Finance, Capital Markets practice team.

21 January 2015

Associates of EPAM Successfully Complete the Legal Support of OAO AK BARS BANK Mortgage Assets Securitization

On December 19, 2014 OAO AK BARS BANK announced the successful closing of their inaugural securitization of mortgage assets. The legal support of the said transaction was ensured by the Banking&Finance and Capital Markets Practice team of EPAM.

20 January 2015

Ilya Nikiforov Is the Only Arbitrator From the Russian Federation Ever to Be Elected to the Singapore International Arbitration Centre

Established in 1991, SIAC is one of the world's leading institutions on international arbitration. Many multinational businesses choose to arbitrate in SIAC.

19 January 2015

Denis Gavrilov Joins the Competition Practice of EPAM as Counsel

Denis Gavrilov has joined EPAM’ Competition Practice as Counsel.

15 January 2015

EPAM Successfully Completes the Legal Support of the Procedure for Listing of the Shares in Pharmstandard JSC’s Subsidiary

In late December 2014, OTCPharm Public Company, a subsidiary of Pharmstandard JSC, announced a successful completion of the procedure for listing of its shares. The project was supported by the Banking & Finance and Capital Markets Team at EPAM.

13 January 2015

EPAM Announces Appointments of Counsel in Its Russian Offices

EPAM is pleased to announce the promotion of a number of senior associates in its Russian offices. Effective as of January 1, 2015 Evgeny Bolshakov, Maria Kobanenko, Alina Kudriavtseva, Vladimir Pestrikov, Mark Rovinskiy and Pavel Sadovsky were appointed as counsel in the Moscow office. Elena Agaeva and Elena Legashova have become counsel in St. Petersburg.

19 December 2014

Ilya Nikiforov appointed Vice-Chair of ICC Russia’s International Arbitration Commission

Ilya Nikiforov, Managing Partner at EPAM, has been officially appointed Vice-Chair of the International Arbitration Commission for the International Chamber of Commerce Russian National Committee (ICC Russia).

19 December 2014

Associates of EPAM Successfully Complete the Legal Support of URALSIB OJSC’s Third Mortgage Assets Securitization

On December 17, 2014 URALSIB OJSC announced the successful closing of another securitization of mortgage assets. The legal support of the said transaction, as well as of the two previous ones, was ensured by the Banking&Finance and Capital Markets Practice team of EPAM.

18 December 2014

EPAM Successfully Completes Legal Support of Securitization of Sberbank’s Mortgage Assets

On December 17, 2014 Sberbank Group announced a successful completion of the inaugural securitization of mortgage assets supported by the associates of Banking & Financial, Capital Markets practice team of EPAM. This is an important transaction for the Russia’s securitization market and an encouraging example of mortgage securitization for the banking sector.

18 December 2014

EPAM redefends the interests of OAO Transammiak in a dispute with a largest manufacturer of fertilizers again

The litigation team of EPAM have successfully defended the interests of OAO Transammiak in a litigation with Minudobreniya JSC.

16 December 2014

EPAM Successfully Completes Comprehensive Support of Securitisation of Absolut Bank’s Mortgage Assets

On December 12, 2014, Absolut Bank announced the successful completion of a unique securitisation of mortgage assets, under which the senior bonds were rated as investment grade by international agencies Moody’s and Standard & Poor's. The Banking & Finance, Capital Markets Practice team of EPAM acted as legal advisor to Absolut Bank providing full legal support on a transaction which is unique for the Russian financial market.

9 December 2014

EPAM associates successfully finalise the legal support of Khanty-Mansi Bank Otkrytie PJSC mortgage portfolio securitization

On December 08, 2014, Khanty-Mansi Bank Otkrytie PJSC announced that it had successfully closed a second deal on the securitization of the mortgage portfolio supported by the EPAM’ Banking and Finance, Capital Markets team.

5 December 2014

EPAM support Lenta’s acquisition of three Bimart hypermarkets

Associates of Moscow and St. Petersburg offices of EPAM provided legal support for Lenta’s acquisition of the company holding three Bimart hypermarkets in Vladimir and Ivanovo.

1 December 2014

EPAM conducted business discussion on ‘Disputing Cadastral Value: Changes to Legislation and Practical Legal Applications’

On 27 November 2014 a business discussion was held at the Firm’s St. Petersburg office regarding recent amendments to the law on valuation and their impact on how the cadastral value of real estate can be challenged. The speakers were associates at the Firm.