7 April 2021

Online Discussion "Mitigating Legal Risks in E-Commerce. Potential for Growth and New Challenges"

The recent e-commerce growth has been nothing short of massive: Russian online retail giants have been expanding their businesses, undertaking IPOs and taking over new segments. However, the booming growth has been facing serious external obstacles: increased attention from regulatory and law enforcement agencies, an unstable economy, sanctions, inflation, high loan interest rates and potential bank crises.

What legal tools could aid in the sustainable development of e-commerce? What risks are the highest, and how could those be mitigated? How can the costs of cross-border commerce be kept down? Attorneys of EPAM will answer those and other topical questions online on March 25, 2021 (Thursday) from 10:00 to 11:30.

Discussion focus*:

  • Structure company operations in view of the economic trends: views of businesses 
  • Fifth antimonopoly package: inescapable reality. Risks and potential for online traders: comments from the authors
  • M&A: top-5 legal mistakes harming your interests
  • Personal data law violations: turnover based fines as a prospect. Risk analysis from the members of Roskomnadzor working group
  • How can a company avoid major disputes and bankruptcy?

Moderator - Vera RIKHTERMAN, Partner


  • Evgeny BOLSHAKOV, Partner 
  • Sergey KALININ, Partner 
  • Lev VASILIEVYKH, Counsel 
  • Elena AGAEVA, Counsel
  • Alexey KARCHIOMOV, Counsel

Information partners:



Attendance is free of charge.

Advance registration is required:

Please register specifying your business email address, position and contact details.

We will send the connection details to each confirmed attendee shortly before the event.

Contacts: Alina Zoreva, Yulia Kozlova, +7 (812) 322 96 81,

*The program and the panel are subject to amendments.

**Participation is restricted to in-house lawyers and businesses only.


Elena Agaeva

Elena Agaeva

St. Petersburg

Sergey Kalinin

Sergey Kalinin

Moscow, UAE

Alexey Karchiomov

Alexey Karchiomov

St. Petersburg