21, 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya Str.,
Moscow, 125047, Russia
Tel.: +7 (495) 935 8010
Fax: +7 (495) 935 8011
Alexey Rodionov specialises in antitrust litigation and has extensive experience in representing Russian and foreign companies at courts of all levels in various regions of the Russian Federation.
Among the companies Alexey has represented are BP, Gazprom, Transneft, Russian Railways, Telenor, TeliaSonera, Ingosstrakh, Siberian Cement, TransContainer and others.
Projects involving Alexey include:
- Supporting Fortum B.V., a leading energy company, in the largest European M&A transaction in the industry since 2012 (deal value is estimated at EUR 6.5bn) for the acquisition of a majority stake in Uniper SE. The transaction required the approval of the FAS Russia and the Government Commission for Strategic Investments and is unique by the precedent-setting nature of the court decisions.
- Defending the interests of Mondi SLPK, a subsidiary of the international group Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper and the largest producer of offset paper in Russia, before the FAS Russia. The case dealt with abuse of a dominant market position via setting allegedly "monopolistically high" prices for offset paper.
- Defending Novartis Pharma in antitrust and litigation proceedings in a dispute initiated by the antimonopoly authority over the price of a drug for which price regulation had not been introduced. FAS Russia received a complaint from the Moscow City Government because the price of the drug Taverb had increased. As a result, FAS Russia initiated proceedings against the Novartis Group for allegedly setting monopolistically high prices. The Firm's attorneys succeeded in dismissing the charges against Novartis Pharma AG, and FAS Russia dismissed the case against the foreign company. Subsequently, the court agreed with the Firm's arguments and confirmed that Novartis Pharma had not violated competition law.
- Advising the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service and arbitrazh courts in an antimonopoly dispute between two oil production companies over the use of oil field infrastructure after establishment of a joint company.
- Advising Russian seaports on antimonopoly issues related to pricing for port services and terms of agreements with shippers.
- Representing the client before the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia in connection with antitrust proceedings initiated by the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources for alleged violation of the law on protection of competition in connection with allocation of subsoil plots for geological survey without tenders/auctions.
- Representing a metallurgical company in connection with an investigation by the Eurasian Economic Commission of certain rolled metal products imported into the Eurasian Economic Union.
- Advising on antimonopoly issues relating to the trading policy of a pulp and paper company, including advice on minimising antimonopoly risks in the event of changes in the current trading policy (e.g., in price and product range) and launching a new product line for a company with a dominant market position.
- Advising a railcar manufacturer on the possibility of recovering unjust enrichment/losses entity abusing a dominant position to the extent of the difference between the actual (overstated) price of the goods sold and the fair market price as determined by the FAS.
- Defending the interests of an international manufacturer of weight-loss pharmaceuticals in two cases before the Russian FAS for declaring advertisements distributed by the client's competitor on the Internet to be unfair.
- Defending an automotive manufacturer as a distributor of diesel engines and spare parts, accused of abusing its dominant market position and restricting competition between dealers by including terms in contracts that restricted the territory on which the products could be sold?
- Representing a telecommunications company in litigation over compulsory provision of access to radio communications infrastructure.
- Developing and implementing a comprehensive plan of legal measures to stop unfair practices of retailers in imposing additional services as hidden charges for placing goods in retail chains.
Alexey has experience in legislative work, in particular, he participated in drafting St. Petersburg real estate legislation (Law of St. Petersburg "On Investment in St. Petersburg Real Estate", acts of the St. Petersburg Administration and St. Petersburg PMC) and worked on the Federal Law "On Protection of Competition". He is the author of a number of articles on issues of antitrust regulation, advocacy and corporate disputes.
Alexey graduated from the Law School of the St Petersburg State University (1998).
He has been admitted to the St Petersburg Bar Association since 2001.
He is fluent in English and German.