17 March 2006

EPAM Law in Norway court hearings regarding Norwegian authorities’ claim against Russian trawler “Captain Gorbatchev”

An appeal was heard in the Court in Tromso, Norway, on 16-17 of March, 2006 to examine the legality of actions of two Russian vessels, “Captain Gorbatchev” of Archangelsk Trawler Fleet and “Dmitry Pokramovitch” of Murmanrybprom, which had been previously fined by the Norwegian authorities last October.

2 March 2006

EPAM Law secures Belizean Supreme Court freezing order on three Russian trawlers

At the request of EPAM, acting on behalf of the Russian Federal Ministry of Property Management, the Supreme Court of Belize has handed down an order prohibiting any transactions, within its jurisdiction, that involve three misappropriated trawlers that belong to the Archangelsk Trawler Fleet. The move comes as speculation continues about the future destination of the trawlers which were arrested in Spain in January 2006, at a request of the Russian authorities.

14 February 2006

Specialists from EPAM Law provided legal support to “ST New Holland Ltd.” – the winner of the tender for the reconstruction of New Holland Island, in St. Petersburg

The results of the investment-architectural tender for the development of New Holland Island, in St. Petersburg were made public today. The winner, “ST New Holland Ltd.” – a joint venture that brings together one of Russia’s largest developers, the company “ST Group” and a leading British architect, Lord Norman Foster – was especially created to work on this project. Legal support for “ST New Holland’s” participation in the tender was provided by the Law Offices of “EPAM”.

6 February 2006

Tatyana Tolstaya joins EPAM Law

Tatyana holds a degree in Law from St. Petersburg State University and currently is a candidate for the Chair of Constitutional Law of St. Petersburg State University.

6 February 2006

EPAM Law receives a Letter of commendation from the Federal Agency for Management of the State Property of the Russian Federation for work related to the Arkhangelsk Trawler Fleet company

EPAM Law is representing the interests of the Russian Federation, as the sole shareholder in the Arkhangelsk Trawler Fleet company. In these proceedings EPAM Law and the Russian Federation are aiming to terminate the bankruptcy process in order to preserve control over the company.

30 January 2006

At the request of EPAM Law three misappropriated fishing trawlers belonging to the Russian Federation were found and seized in Spain

At the request of EPAM Law, legal counsel to the Russian Federation, a Spanish court seized three misappropriated fishing trawlers belonging to the Russian Federation. The arrest is an interim measure intended to cease illegal exploitation of the trawlers by a group of internationals accused of fraud and to prevent their possible resale. EPAM represented the interests of the Russian Federation in the search and seizure of the trawlers.

8 December 2005

On December 7-8 2005 the delegation of EPAMparticipated in the conference on the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: 25 Years of Implementation Practices, Results and Perspectives

The EPAM Law delegation included: Ilya Nikiforov; managing partner of the Firm’s Saint-Petersburg office; Maria Miroshnikova, senior lawyer of EPAM; and Olga Kudryavtseva and Sergey Golubok, legal assistants of EPAM. Viktor Dumler was a corresponding member of the delegation.

29 November 2005

Archangelsk Trawl Fleet and EPAM Law, representing the Russian Federal Ministry of Property Management, held a joint press-conference regarding the illegal retention of three Russian trawlers in Mauritania

The reason for the press-conference was the fact that the persons involved in misappropriation of the trawlers were declared subject to an investigation by INTEPOL. Another cause was a note of protest handed by the Russian Foreign Ministry to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mauritania referring to the Ruling of the Chairman of the Supreme Court of Mauritania of November 9, 2005 to dismiss the Decision of the Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court of Mauritania to suspend “mauritanization” of the trawlers.

17 October 2005

A joint delegation of the Archangelsk Trawl Fleet and EPAMvisited the Islamic Republic of Mauritania

In particular, the Russian delegation was received by the Minister of Justice, Minister of Fishery and Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mauritania. The discussions with the Mauritanian state officials were focused upon the unlawful arrestment and public sale, in 2004, of three trawlers owned by the Russian Federation and assigned to ATF – Kapitan Kononov, Yuosas Aleksonis, and Tralmester Mogutov.

5 October 2005

EPAM Law lawyers receive Commendations from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs “For highly professional assistance in defending national interests in the field of nuclear security"

According to the text of the Commendation, as a result of the action taken by the lawyers from EPAM Law, representing the interests of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency, “the rights of the Russian State were asserted in an area of strategic importance.”

30 September 2005

Ilya Nikiforov, managing partner of St.Petersburg office of EPAM, has spoken at the IBA Conference in Prague regarding enforcement of foreign arbitration awards in Russia

The presentation was made as a part of annual conference of the International Bar Association (IBA)

27 September 2005

EPAM Law participates in conference “Competition in Russia” on the federal antimonopoly bill

At the conference Dmitry Lavrov and Taras Rabko, lawyers of EPAM Law and members of the Advisory Panel on Antitrust Legislation in Russia, delivered reports dealing with various aspects of the antimonopoly bill which they are drafting as members of the Advisory Panel on Antitrust Legislation in Russia.

8 August 2005

The St. Petersburg Office of EPAM sponsored the International Presidents' Meeting of the European Law Students Association (ELSA) in St. Petersburg on 3-7 August 2005

At the International Presidents Meeting, ELSA representatives from 13 countries gathered in St. Petersburg to discuss issues concerning the further development of ELSA.

26 July 2005

The Moscow office of EPAMhosted a meeting with the leadership of the international labor law association Jus Laboris

Headquartered in Brussels, the association has members specializing in labor law from law firms from all over the world.

14 July 2005

EPAM Law receives Commendations of Russian President Vladimir Putin

In a solemn ceremony held at the Russian Foreign Ministry today, members of EPAM were presented with the Commendations of the President of the Russian Federation, a distinction awarded “For accomplishments in protecting the interests and rights of the citizenry”.